A) How to Take Your Waking Temperature and How to Start Your New Cycles
When can I start to use BIOSELF?
You can start to use your BIOSELF at any time in your cycle. You don't have to wait until the first day of your cycle.
Q.A2. When should I record my waking (basal body) temperature?
It should be the very first thing you do every morning on waking, approximately at the same time, before getting up, and before talking, eating, drinking or smoking.
You must have slept about 2 hours in order to obtain reliable results. It does not necessarily have to be continuous but you must have at least slept for 1 continuous hour before taking your temperature. You can go to the bathroom quickly before taking the waking temperature. .
How should I record my waking (basal body) temperature?
The temperature can be measured in the mouth, vagina or rectum, as long as you use the same orifice throughout the same cycle.
It is recommended that women who snore frequently or who have sinus problems measure their temperature in the vagina or rectum and not in the mouth as it is cooled by the circulating air.
How long does it take to record my waking (basal body) temperature?
It takes less than 2 minutes. However, if you move too much it will take longer. If you measure your temperature orally, make sure you place the probe under the tongue in the middle of the mouth, keep the mouth shut and hold your BIOSELF calmly with your other hand. Always wait until you hear the beep before removing the device. This beep informs you that the temperature has been recorded.
I recorded my waking (basal body) temperature and heard the beep. However my Bioself continues to beep?
That means that the probe of your BIOSELF is still wet. Wipe it with a slightly humid handkerchief. Never wash your Bioself under the water.
I want to record my temperature but my Bioself will not let me, what should I do?
In most cases it is because you are trying to record your temperature outside the authorised time window and consequently, the message « OUT » is displayed on the screen. Remember that you have a 4 hour window in which to measure your temperature, that is two hours before and two hours after the beep, which is the moment when you recorded your temperature the day before. If you wish to reprogram your time window because of a long flight or of a change of your sleeping habits, use the « Hour » Menu.
What happens if I forget to record my temperature?
You will see the value « --,- C » displayed on the screen for the days in which you did not record your temperature.
If you do not to record your temperature during the green light phase, that is the infertile period, your contraceptive security is not diminished. However, if you forget to record your temperature during the fertile period of your cycle, that is the red light phase, it may delay the appearance of the green light. As a result, you may have a longer red period which can even last until the end of the cycle and the beginning of the new one.
Q.A8. I recorded my temperature and the device displays the message «ME-HI» or «ME-LO», what does it mean?
It means that your temperature is outside the limits (« measure too high » or « measure too low ») and that your BIOSELF cannot accept it as a waking (basal body) temperature. Bioself considers this situation as a day without measure.
What happens when I have fever?
If you have fever during a flashing red light phase, it may be possible that you will not have a green light phase during this cycle. In very rare situations, if may happen that the slight fever will simulate a temperature rise such as to cause a green light. Therefore, do not measure while you are slightly feverish or in a heavy stress. Nevertheless, you should not forget to push the red button to enter your new cycle as soon as your menstruation arrives (see 10).
When should I press on the red button to enter my new cycle?
Every time your menstruation appears, which is also the beginning of your new cycle, you must press the red button with a pointed object for two seconds and release. You should hear a triple beep which will confirm that the beginning of your new menstrual cycle has been recorded.
Perform the operation the next day if you forget to do it (see Q.12).
Should I press on the red button on the first day I use your BIOSELF?
No. You should press on the period button only if your first day of Bioself use corresponds to the first day of your period. But in this exceptional case, press on the red button after having recorded your waking temperature: Your Bioself needs at least one measurement in order to start its calculations.
What happens it I forget to press the red button?
If you notice at the latest by the 2nd day of your period, press the red button.
Otherwise, if you notice your negligence after 2 days, you should wait until your next period to press the red button. During this time, you should not take the BIOSELF light signals and messages into consideration for contraceptive purposes. If you have any doubt, please call a sympto-thermal counsellor.
I have accidentally pressed the red button. What should I do to correct this mistake?
You have a maximum of three days to cancel the operation using the Menu "Mens".